SMARTBRANE is a resorbable collagen membrane made from porcine pericardium. Thus, it features all benefits of a modern native collagen membrane.
In addition to the standard membrane sizes, it is available in a mini format of 10 x 10 mm. This offers a more economic membrane solution especially for regeneration of small bone defects optimizing your cost-benefit structure.
Case Provided By Prof. Dr. Anton Friedman (Chair and Head Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health, University of Witten, Germany)
Modified tunnel preparation:
Smartbrane (30 x 40 mm) (Regedent, Dettelbach Germany):
Placement of the folded Smartbrane inside the tunnel with the sliding PTFE suture:
Coronally advanced tunnel with the Smartbrane inside:
Suturing of the folded Smartbrane with 4.0 PTFE (BioTex, Regedent, Germany) and Monocryl 6.0 (Ethicon, HH, Germany):
Follow up after 5 months of healing:
Clinical pictures by courtesy Dr. Kai Fischer (Germany).
Surgery. Dehiscence defect around bone level implant.
Augmentation with xenograft bone.
Coverage of bone graft material with SMARTBRANE – the membrane can easily be positioned and adapts ideally to the defect geometry.
Suture removal. Optimal initial healing pattern: no signs of irritation.
Case Provided by Prof Darko Božić, Zagreb, Croatia
1. Patient with a distal mandibular edentulous ridge requiring implant placement:
2. Flap elevation revealed significant loss of ridge height and width:
3. Edentulous ridge with significant loss of height and width:
4. A small amount of autogenous bone was harvested leaving small cortical perforations:
5. The autogenous bone was mixed with xenograft material saturated with xHyA:
6. Placement and adaptation of the graft mixture onto the recipient site:
7. The graft mixture was covered with a resorbable collagen membrane (SMARTBRANE) and fixed with pins.
8. After 6 months. Significant gain of bone width with almost no residual graft particles visible
9. Implants of 4mm width were placed in the correct prosthetic positions:
10. After 6 months. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) showing a significant amount of newly formed bone:
10 x 10 mm – big enough to cover small defects
Optimized handling properties ensuring straight-forward application
The supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) cleaning process gently removes unwanted materials (e.g., cells, lipids) while preserving the natural collagen matrix and optimizing the natural cross-linking of the collagen fibers.1,2
As a result, SMARTBRANE is characterized by optimal material stability as the biomechanical characteristics of porcine pericardium tissue are preserved.3.
SMARTBRANE rehydrated: excellent adaptation to surfaces without sticking to graft or instrument.
Natural collagen matrix preserved by scCO2 cleaning technology for enhanced graft performance
SMARTBRANE is made from porcine pericardium thus presenting optimal matrix composition and a naturally dense 3D-network collagen structure optimally preserved after scCO2 purification.
The preserved natural collagen matrix plays an important role in blood clotting and promotes cell attachment.5
The membrane has a resorption time of 8–12 weeks providing adequate barrier function for usage in standard GBR cases.6
SMARTBRANE cross-section (magnification x 40) featuring intact structure and a natural interconnective porous system.
Excellent biocompatibility for improved wound healing.
SMARTBRANE is manufactured using an innovative and highly effective cleaning technology based on supercritical carbondioxide (scCO2).
This process results in a high purity and creates a biocompatible base for immediate new bone ingrowth.1,2
It provides highest possible biocompatibility characteristics due to its porcine origin and the scCO2 cleaning process.
One week after subcutaneous implantation in a rat muscle: SMARTBRANE (M) is already connected to the muscular tissue (MT), no signs of inflammatory reactions.
Two weeks after implantation: the first blood vessels (BV) are sprouting into SMARTBRANE (M), no signs of inflammatory reactions.
scCO2 cleaning process as basis for optimal matrix properties and maximal graft safety
scCO2 Processing
Chemical Treatment
Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (scCO2) Processing
Chemical Treatment
Other | ||
KEYWORDS RU | коллагеновая мембрана, smartbrane, рассасывающаяся мембрана, мембрана из перикарда | |
Size of the membranes | 10x10 mm |
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